The Power of "Home"


Today we are getting snowed in here in our little corner of the world, and it has me thinking, again.


Preparing in the simple ways as the snow falls quietly on our woods, we find truths beyond us. My boys cut this cherry tree with their daddy working hard all day long. In their fun and romping play, they are building something more than just firewood.


Cooking simple, healing foods in the kitchen means that we need it. Healing. Quietness. Soul-rest. So much in our world is sick, broken, and dirty in the past days. Even in our own homes, even in our faith. I believe that as we slow down and look at what is already in our hands, we can hear whispers of redemption if we will only listen.

In the quietness and beauty of the daily, woven in these moments both hard and beautiful, grows the truth that we so deeply need. Or perhaps it has been here all along - waiting.


We will find His hand even here.

Especially here.


The Power of Home is this - it is here where God leads us to simple paths.

To work out the hard, ugly places, one step at a time.


Snuggled in - building faith and memories, one step at a time.