Create Your Haven Today, Don't Wait For Perfect
/A typical day now....keep reading for a "before" photo shown below.
You may be new here to my little log home or maybe you've been a dear friend for years visiting my home through this process. Perhaps you've seen my journey up close and personal or maybe you're just joining me now. However you and I have met, I want you to know that I am a real person who had a real mess to overcome. And there's a few things I learned in the midst of my journey that might just encourage you along the way....
First, my friend, don't be ashamed that you aren't where you want to be yet. Understand that part of your victory will be that you had immense obstacles to overcome. Don't apologize that you are working hard to declutter your home. Remove the "I'm sorry the house is a mess..." thought entirely. Stop worrying about the debt you keep chipping away at, hoping no one will notice how overwhelmed you feel by it all. Now is the time to shove that weight off your shoulders.
Welcome those you love in the midst of your "sometimes messy" journey and say instead, "Come on in, it's not perfect but I'm making progress each day." Love in the midst of the process. Welcome those who need a haven even while your haven is being created. That's part of it. Don't wait to create a haven until it's perfect, that day will not come until eternity. Start loving and creating a peaceful, unique, imperfect haven right now! Serve pancakes for lunch because pay day is long way out yet. Love now! While there are still dishes piled high. While there are still toys that must be shoveled out of the way.
A "before" photo from 2 years ago....notice the toy explosion. This is how my home looked while hosting a weekly gathering for 25 beloved friends. It was FAR from perfect. The struggle was intense!
Share your heart and your vision with your family and friends. Let them see that you are working on it a little at a time. Don't be shamed by your journey. Don't apologize and don't back down. This is your path! It's time for false guilt to be decluttered. The best thing I ever got rid of was the guilt of the past. Shame must be defeated. Personal responsibility is absolutely required, but shame is not. There is a difference. Responsibility says, "I'm taking charge of my life, my home, and my finances and moving forward." Having a home and a life that is full of peace starts first in the heart.
My lovely friend, I want you to know deep in your soul that you are worthy. You CAN do this, even if it's not perfect. Keep going.
Cheering you on!