Announcing My New Book!!
/Available January 14, 2020 on Amazon
It’s been a little quiet around here - o.k. that’s a lie as with 6 kids our log home is NEVER quiet - but my blog has been resting while I worked on my latest project - Minimalism Room by Room! I’m excited to share all the sweet, minimalist, money-saving goodness with you!!
As a financial coach for entrepreneurs in real life, I found that my clients kept asking me about our minimalist journey. You know, “why did you give away 2/3rds of everything to charity?” kind of questions. At the same time, I realized that I could help households eliminate debt and build residual income in their business, but if the household was still consuming and spending at break-neck speed, the solutions wouldn’t work long-term. I had to bring both minimalist principles and financial wisdom together. When I integrated minimalism into my private financial coaching practice, the results were dramatic for my clients!! (Read More Here).
However, I am still a homeschooling mom and I do also work with my husband in real estate, so there was only so much of me to go around. The next thing I knew, I was contacted by a publisher out of New York to write a book. Even though it’s never easy to write a book, I realized that I needed to help more people. I remember trying to decide if I should take on yet another project and I closed my eyes, remembered when I was alone crying in my basement sorting box after box of stuff. And I thought of you.
I thought of you, as you feel exhausted at the end of another long day, wondering if tomorrow it will get any better (it will!!) and I knew I had to write to you the “HOW!” that I had been crying for. I thought of you when you feel alone at Christmas time and if you have to deal with one more battery-operated toy migraine maker, you’re going to scream (no judgment, I think I did scream at least once at my precious family and had lots of apologizing to do). I want you to know how to handle over gifting family members! It’s all in the book.
When, I remembered all the amazing transformations my clients have had, I knew I had to write this book, for you dear friend. I want you to have HOPE. When you clear away all that is tripping you, literally, and away all that is frustrating you, I know that you will find a way to hear that still, small voice behind you saying, “this is the way, walk in it!” Your best life is just one choice away, and it begins with saying “Yes, it’s possible.”
May you hear in these pages of Minimalism Room by Room practical money saving steps, sustainable lifestyle hacks, positive affirmations to change your thinking, and stories of past clients to encourage you along your way.
Blessings dear friend,